Dr. Braam Lombard

Tend South City Medical Centre

After graduating from the University of Auckland, Dr Braam Lombard honed his skills and furthered his expertise by completing his studies at Tauranga Hospital, where he stayed for six and a half years. With a diverse range of experience, Braam has worked in various capacities, including House Officer, Orthopaedic Registrar, and Anaesthetic Registrar.

Braam finds fulfillment in seeing a variety of patients, and is fluent in Afrikaans. His genuine care and commitment to his patients make him an invaluable healthcare provider

Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with his family, reading, cooking, and listening to music.

I enjoy building relationships with patients and helping them in their wellness journey.
Men's health
Men's health involves taking care of the physical and mental well-being of men, addressing issues like regular check-ups, prostate screening, blood pressure, and overall health.