( 1 ) Services may be provided to a patient only if that patient makes an informed choice and gives informed consent, except where any enactment, or the common law, or any other provision of this Code provides otherwise.
( 2 ) Every patient must be presumed competent to make an informed choice and give informed consent, unless there are reasonable grounds for believing that the patient is not competent.
( 3 ) Where a patient has diminished competence, that patient retains the right to make informed choices and give informed consent, to the extent appropriate to their level of competence.
( 4 ) Where a patient is not competent to make an informed choice and give informed consent, and no person entitled to consent on behalf of the patient is available, the provider may provide services where—
(a) it is in the best interests of the patient; and
(b) reasonable steps have been taken to ascertain the views of the patient; and
(c) either,—
(i) if the patient's views have been ascertained, and having regard to those views, the provider believes, on reasonable grounds, that the provision of the services is consistent with the informed choice the patient would make if they were competent; or
(ii) if the patient's views have not been ascertained, the provider takes into account the views of other suitable persons who are interested in the welfare of the patient and available to advise the provider.
( 5 ) Every patient may use an advance directive in accordance with the common law.
( 6 ) Where informed consent to a health care procedure is required, it must be in writing if -
(a) the patient is to participate in any research; or
(b) the procedure is experimental; or
(c) the patient will be under general anaesthetic; or
(d) there is a significant risk of adverse effects on the patient.
( 7 ) Every patient has the right to refuse services and to withdraw consent to services.
( 8 ) Every patient has the right to express a preference as to who will provide services and have that preference met where practicable.
( 9 ) Every patient has the right to make a decision about the return or disposal of any body parts or bodily substances removed or obtained in the course of a health care procedure.
(10) No body part or bodily substance removed or obtained in the course of a health care procedure may be stored, preserved, or used otherwise than
(a) with the informed consent of the patient; or
(b) for the purposes of research that has received the approval of an ethics committee; or
(c) for the purposes of 1 or more of the following activities, being activities that are each undertaken to assure or improve the quality of services:
(i) a professionally recognised quality assurance programme:
(ii) an external audit of services:
(iii) an external evaluation of services.