Prostate screening
If you notice blood in your urine, pain or burning when you pee, or you are unable to pee when you need to, please book an appointment to see a doctor.
As you age, these symptoms are common and most of the time they are due to problems that are not cancer. But it is a good idea to get them checked out.
For many men with prostate cancer they have no symptoms so it is very important they get tested.
If you have a family history, screening should start at age 40. With no family history screening should start at 50.
You can book a prostate screen in the app under services.

Cervical screening
Cervical cancer is one of the easiest cancers to prevent - as long as we detect the cell changes early.
Screening for cervical cancer has recently got easier with the introduction of the HPV test which replaces the "smear test". The HPV test is a simple vaginal swab. You can choose to do a self-test or get a nurse to do it.
Everyone with a cervix aged 25-69 who is eligible for cervical screening can choose the HPV test for their next cervical screening test. This service is bookable in the app. See our health advice page on cervical screening for more detail or watch this video.

Sexual health screening
Sexually transmissible infections (STIs) are infections that you can get if you have unprotected sex with someone. Screening is especially important if you are having a new sexual relationship with someone.
You can discretely see one of our nurses for a routine sexually transmitted infection check up. The test is fast and easy and will tell us if you need treatment.
Not all STIs have symptoms, but if you are symptomatic, please book a GP/NP consult at one of our clinics.
To book an STI check select STI screening in the app under services. You do not need to be enrolled with us.

Breast screening
If you notice any changes to your breasts book an appointment with one our clinicians. This might be things like breast pain, lumps, nipple discharge or mastitis.
We strongly recommend all women check their breasts regularly and if eligible have regular breast screening tests which are used to detect breast cancer. Finding breast cancer early is your best chance of a full recovery.
Breast Screen Aotearoa is New Zealand's national breast screening programme. You are eligible for a free screening mammogram every two years if:
- You are aged 45-69
- Have no breast cancer symptoms
- Have not had a mammogram in the last 12 months
- Are not pregnant or breastfeeding
- Are eligible for public health services in NZ.

Bowel screening
If you notice changes to your bowel motions that come and go over several weeks, bleeding from your bottom, severe abdominal pain or you are concerned about your bowel health, please book in to see one of our clinicians.
The national bowel screening programme is a free programme to help detect bowel cancer. It is offered every two years to people aged 60-74 years if they are eligible for publicly funded healthcare.
If you are eligible you will be sent a simple bowel screening test kit with instructions. This test can be done at home.

Healthy heart check
A heart health assessment (also called a cardiovascular disease risk assessment - CVDRA) is a calculated estimate of how likely you are to have a heart attack or stroke in the next 5 years.
The age at which you do this screening depends on your gender, ethnicity and other risk factors. If you are at risk you will be recalled for periodic healthy heart checks.
It's painless, simple and very important as there are often no symptoms. If necessary, you will receive guidance on medical management, healthy lifestyle changes and support.
The check-up is done by a nurse and is bookable in the app under screenings.