
From immunisations and medical certificates to annual health check ups and urgent prescriptions.  Tend is your full service primary healthcare provider, offering in-clinic and online GP services.

All services

Contraception & sexual health

Talk to a doctor about sexual health, PrEP and contraception options.

Emergency contraception

See a nurse for emergency contraception for those unplanned, unprotected sexual encounters

Emigration medicals

Moving overseas? Get your emigration visa medical for the Cook Islands, China, South Africa, Samoa and Tonga.

Flu vaccine

Book your yearly flu shot with a nurse and be ready for winter.

General X-rays

Book an X-ray scan (includes ACC injuries) with our radiographer. Complete full body and spinal X-ray imaging available.

Health check-ups and tests

See a doctor or nurse for a quick check up, blood pressure test or electrocardiogram (ECG)

Health screenings

Stay up to date with your health screenings such as STI, cervical, prostate, heart, breast and bowel screenings

Healthy heart check

See a Tend nurse for a quick and easy test to prevent heart disease, also known as a cardiovascular risk assessment.

Immigration medicals

Book visa medicals online. Get your New Zealand immigration medical done at our central Auckland clinic. Simply book online or walk-in.

Immunisations, injections & infusions

See a doctor or nurse for baby and childhood immunisations, IV infusions, steroid injections and travel vaccinations.

Injury and ACC

Have you recently had an injury or been in an accident? We provide thorough assessment and treatment services to help your recovery.

Licence medicals

Get your Driver's Licence Medical (DL9) or NZ Pilot Medical hassle-free with Tend.

Medical certificates

See a doctor for an off-work sick note or a medical certificate for WINZ

Mental wellness

Talk to our compassionate and caring team who are ready to listen and support you with your mental health journey.

See a GP online now

Same day online GP appointments of up to 10 minutes. Join a virtual queue and we will call you back when it's your turn. Available nationwide.

Prescriptions and repeats

Need medication? We can issue prescriptions and repeats through online or in clinic doctor appointments.

Proactive Health Medicals

Comprehensive health assessments to identify risks and detect early signs of illness


We're here to assist you in connecting with medical specialists, labs, and x-rays.

Skin health

See a doctor for any concerns about your skin such as moles, spots or wart removal.

Sutures, suction and wound

See a clinician for wound dressings, ear wax removal, removal of sutures/staples and ingrown toe nail surgery.

Urgent prescriptions

See a doctor online for the issuing of urgent medication.

Women's health

See a clinician with a special interest in women's health and procedures.

Enrolled services

Contraception & sexual health

Talk to a doctor about sexual health, PrEP and contraception options.

Emergency contraception

See a nurse for emergency contraception for those unplanned, unprotected sexual encounters

Flu vaccine

Book your yearly flu shot with a nurse and be ready for winter.

General X-rays

Book an X-ray scan (includes ACC injuries) with our radiographer. Complete full body and spinal X-ray imaging available.

Health check-ups and tests

See a doctor or nurse for a quick check up, blood pressure test or electrocardiogram (ECG)

Health screenings

Stay up to date with your health screenings such as STI, cervical, prostate, heart, breast and bowel screenings

Healthy heart check

See a Tend nurse for a quick and easy test to prevent heart disease, also known as a cardiovascular risk assessment.

Immunisations, injections & infusions

See a doctor or nurse for baby and childhood immunisations, IV infusions, steroid injections and travel vaccinations.

Injury and ACC

Have you recently had an injury or been in an accident? We provide thorough assessment and treatment services to help your recovery.

Licence medicals

Get your Driver's Licence Medical (DL9) or NZ Pilot Medical hassle-free with Tend.

Mental wellness

Talk to our compassionate and caring team who are ready to listen and support you with your mental health journey.

Prescriptions and repeats

Need medication? We can issue prescriptions and repeats through online or in clinic doctor appointments.


We're here to assist you in connecting with medical specialists, labs, and x-rays.

Skin health

See a doctor for any concerns about your skin such as moles, spots or wart removal.

Sutures, suction and wound

See a clinician for wound dressings, ear wax removal, removal of sutures/staples and ingrown toe nail surgery.

Urgent prescriptions

See a doctor online for the issuing of urgent medication.

Women's health

See a clinician with a special interest in women's health and procedures.

Casual services

Contraception & sexual health

Talk to a doctor about sexual health, PrEP and contraception options.

Emergency contraception

See a nurse for emergency contraception for those unplanned, unprotected sexual encounters

Emigration medicals

Moving overseas? Get your emigration visa medical for the Cook Islands, China, South Africa, Samoa and Tonga.

Flu vaccine

Book your yearly flu shot with a nurse and be ready for winter.

General X-rays

Book an X-ray scan (includes ACC injuries) with our radiographer. Complete full body and spinal X-ray imaging available.

Health check-ups and tests

See a doctor or nurse for a quick check up, blood pressure test or electrocardiogram (ECG)

Immunisations, injections & infusions

See a doctor or nurse for baby and childhood immunisations, IV infusions, steroid injections and travel vaccinations.

Injury and ACC

Have you recently had an injury or been in an accident? We provide thorough assessment and treatment services to help your recovery.

Mental wellness

Talk to our compassionate and caring team who are ready to listen and support you with your mental health journey.

Prescriptions and repeats

Need medication? We can issue prescriptions and repeats through online or in clinic doctor appointments.


We're here to assist you in connecting with medical specialists, labs, and x-rays.

Skin health

See a doctor for any concerns about your skin such as moles, spots or wart removal.

Urgent prescriptions

See a doctor online for the issuing of urgent medication.

Women's health

See a clinician with a special interest in women's health and procedures.