Wound dressings and reviews
If you have had surgery, an injury or accident, you may require sterile dressings to be applied to the wound. This helps keep it clean, prevent infection, speed up the healing and minimise any scarring.
You can book in to see a nurse for a wound dressing or wound review via the app.

Removal of sutures/staples
Surgical sutures and staples are types of stitches that are used to keep wounds together during healing. Your doctor will let you know when they need to be removed, timing depends on the location of the wound.
Suture and staple removal is a quick and painless procedure done by a nurse. This is bookable in the app.

Ear wax removal
A build up of earwax is relatively common; especially if you use headphones or hearing aids on a regular basis. If you are experiencing discomfort, itching, pain, hearing problems, tinnitus of vertigo then you might need to have it removed.
A clinician will use mirco-suction to remove it. This will improve your hearing and overall ear health.
There are two appointments required, an initial removal and then a follow up. Both can be booked via the app. Available in Auckland & Tauranga only.

Ingrown toenail
Ingrown toenails are a common problem causing pain and redness at the nail edges.
In some instances minor surgery needs to be performed to alleviate the pain.
If your doctor recommends that you need to have surgery for an ingrown toenail you can book this via the app.