Rachel Barker

Tend Beckford Medical Centre
Tend Waltham Medical Centre

Rachel (she/her) is a registered nurse providing care across both Beckford and Waltham clinics. Her work includes a variety of patient care activities, with a focus on families and young children, as well as providing immunisations and managing wound care.

Rachel also does spirometry at Tend Beckford, which is a simple test to measure how well your lungs are working.

In her free time, Rachel enjoys spending time with her three children and family in Christchurch and Nelson, visiting the beach, and exploring parks and green spaces for the best flying foxes.

I really enjoy working in primary care seeing a range of patients over all ages and stages of life. I particularly like working with families and young children, immunisations and wound care.
Children's health
Children's health covers everything related to keeping kids physically and mentally well, from birth to adolescence, including regular check-ups, vaccinations, and addressing common childhood issues.
Immunisations, also called vaccines, are shots or medicines given to protect you from certain diseases by teaching your immune system how to fight them.
Wound care
Wound care is the process of cleaning, treating, and protecting injuries like cuts and scrapes to help them heal properly and prevent infection.