Enrolled patients
Enrolment is currently available to residents in Auckland, Tauranga and Christchurch. An enrolled patient is someone who has chosen Tend as their primary care provider.
Our online clinicians are a mix of General Practitioners (GPs), Urgent Care doctors, and Nurse Practitioners (NPs). These clinicians are trained in diagnosing medical issues and providing medical care remotely.
You can view our online clinicians here and filter by location 'Online'.
General Practitioners (GPs) are primary care doctors, much like what you would see at your local medical centre.
Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are highly skilled health practitioners who have advanced education, clinical training and can do many things a GP can do such as make diagnoses, order lab tests, and prescribe medication.
An Urgent Care doctor is a registered medical practitioner who is trained to diagnose and treat urgent, emergency or acute care.
Urgent Care doctors, GPs and NPs all can make diagnoses, order and interpret diagnostic and laboratory tests and prescribe medicines within their area of competence.
If you have a time sensitive request, please phone your clinic or message us via the Tend app. Otherwise, fill in the form below and the team will get back to you as soon as possible (usually within 72 hours)