Enrolled patients
Enrolment is currently available to residents in Auckland, Tauranga and Christchurch. An enrolled patient is someone who has chosen Tend as their primary care provider.
Our clinicians can prescribe many medications, if required. If you are prescribed medication we will send the prescription to your pharmacy of choice for collection.
The issuing of prescriptions is at the discretion of the doctor. There may be some circumstances when we are unable to provide a prescription due to New Zealand medication regulations
If you are running low on regular medication and have not been able to get a repeat from your regular GP, an urgent prescription for a short dose may be issued to see you through.
During your consultation the clinician may decide you need a short course of medication to help with your condition. This may be issued.
If you require ongoing medication for a long-term condition, we encourage you to see your regular doctor to issue your medication so they can monitor your health over time. If you are enrolled with Tend then we will have your health history on file and our team will be able to help.
Certain medications, such as strong painkillers, sedatives, and stimulants, require careful monitoring and cannot usually be prescribed online to casual patients. However, if you are enrolled with Tend, these may be issued where clinically appropriate.
If you have a time sensitive request, please phone your clinic or message us via the Tend app. Otherwise, fill in the form below and the team will get back to you as soon as possible (usually within 72 hours)