Enrolled patients
Enrolment is currently available to residents in Auckland, Tauranga and Christchurch. An enrolled patient is someone who has chosen Tend as their primary care provider.
You can add your child (if you are their parent or guardian) through the Tend app:
We recognise this is often required and we are currently exploring the app feature of securely adding adult dependents on an account with privacy terms and a consent process. This would be for situations when an adult requires a caregiver's support for managing their healthcare, or someone who has a power of attorney to make decisions on the adult’s behalf.
If you need to manage the healthcare of an adult, please call your local clinic and our team can help set this up for you.
If you have a time sensitive request, please phone your clinic or message us via the Tend app. Otherwise, fill in the form below and the team will get back to you as soon as possible (usually within 72 hours)